Sunday 30 September 2018

Lagaan Movie Review

Lagaan Movie Review
   First of all, I did not know the meaning of Lagaan , but after seening the movie, I knew what is Lagaan mean.
 15 august we are watching Bollywood movie Lagaan . After watching the movie i give my review.Bollywood in the best movie is Lagaan. All actors are very good actors , but Amir khan's acting is very much like me. It is shown that people still believe in miracles inside the movie. Indianism has been shown inside the movie. 

Image result for lagaan movie 
     This movie is very unique oe than other patriotic movie. Director use Cricket as metaphor because cricket is a Britisher's game and India also very powerful in this game in 21st century.Cricket game has been used very well for sarcasm.
     Inside the movie, the Englishman calls the Indian person meant to eat but Indian person refuses to eat meat .Mostly People of India believe that eating meat is a very big crime. People believe that eating meat is a big sin . But according to my opinion it is not like that. Just like people have grown up it is different from the language of the people who speak it .If we have grown up from tea,bread then we will eat the same. There is no wrong in eating those people who have been meat them.Image result for lagaan movie

     Within this movie i liked the character of British Lady. She is very innocent in nature. She is teach the people of India playing cricket. The British Lady teaches people of India to play cricket and it is very helpful.

    This is archetypal story similar to other movie. There are many archetypal symbols like Temple, Myth, Love, Rain. We are able to  apply a lot of theories within this movie. As it is the theories .

Theory :- 
1) Post colonialism
2) Nationalism
3) Indianess
4) Patriarcy
5) Cricket as metaphor
6) Subaltern
7) Rural India
8) Teamwork and Leadership 

  Unity has been shown inside the movie. No need to cooperate with a loneliness alone. I saw that people seem to pray to God in small thing . The movie has been associated with many songs.Gori has also been shown jealousy on the British Lady.
                Image result for lagaan movie
    India Ranks second worldwide in farm output more than 80% of population live n the rural area. So here the director tried to show the real India through the village , their farm, everyday life, tension about rain for food grain and Britisher imposed the high taxes on farmers , they unable to pay because of a prolonged drought. Furthermore, We also see the family structure like joint family, gender role, culture and religious atmosphere all the thing show the real Rural India.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Ben Jonson

Ben Jonson  (Benjamin Jonson) 
Image result for ben jonson biography
                           Ben Joson (11 June 1572- 16 August 1637) was an english playwright, poet,actor,and literary critic, whose artistry exerted a lasting impact upon English poetry and stage comedy. Playwright Ben Jonson was a major force in Elizabethan and Jacobean theater, second only to William Shakespeare himsef. He popularised the Comedy of humours. He is best known for the satirical play Every man in His Humour (1598), He set himself squarely against his contemporaries and the romentic tendency of the age. 

His works :
Comedies : Every man in his Humor (1598), Volpone (1605), The Alchemist (1610), The Silent Woman (1609)

Tragedies : Sejanus (1603), Catiline (1611)

Short Eassy : Timber or Discoveries made upon Men and Matter.

Poems and songs : The Triumph of Charis , Drink to me only with thine Eyes, and To the Memory of my Beloved Mother .   

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Metaphysical poem

                             John Donne

              John Donne was an English poet and cleric in the church of England. John Donne was born into a Catholic family in 1572,during a strong anti-Catholic period in England. 
            Metaphysical means dealing with the relationship between spirit to matter and the ultimate nature or reality. The tearm metaphysical poets was coined by the critic samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of 17th- century English poets. 
          Highly intellectualized poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity and subtlety of thought, frequent use of paradox and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.                                                                        
          Characteristics :

Striking imagery
Far fetched ideas 
→ Full of logic and reasoning
→ Theme like love is experimented like science.

  Image result for main characteristics john donne 
Name of Metaphysical poets :
  John Donne
→  George Herbert
→  Andrew marvell
→  Henry Vaughan
→ Richard Crashaw
→ Katharine Philips
→ Richard Leigh

Metaphysical poem :

Analysis of poem :
              The poem is on the surface, about death and the parting of two souls. But the "parting of two souls" can also be interpreted as a physical distance taken between two people perhaps one is travelling away from their lover etc..
                  The Expiration Analysis John Donne critical analysis of poem, Characters are archetypes. The idea of death also links to matters of a sexual nature, " little death". "Double dead", 


Dr. Faustus


1. The play director by matthew Dunster for globe theater ends with scene... What does it signify?

Ans : This play directd by MATTEW DUNSTER for GLOBE THEATER this drama end of the Luciferin the last scene of signifies is that Lucifer become more powerfull than DR.Faustus.Lucifer is standing at the middle of the stage like lucifer is very much satisfide his won complete the super power. Starting drama Lucifer in a completely black but the end of drama his dress totaly in white.                                       

2. Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how ? If No, why?

Ans: In this play the God in not present but old man are like a God, but when Dr. Faustus at the last scene there were we can say that time Dr. faustus to need of god. At last old man advising Faustus for the last time is in fact a depiction  of God.

3. what reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr.Faustus?

This picture is about the Greek mythology of daedals and Icarus who are father and son Icarus father is more talented. He give wings to his son. Wings are made by Besswex. He gives advice how to fly in sky but Icarus forgot so  he closer to te sun then he cause of his wings  melt and the fall down on earth then he died.

4. How do you interpret this painting?

Ans: This picture is also releted to Daedalus and Icarus . This picture is like a nature picture. we can say that when old man looks toward the sky the daedalus is falling down from the sky and this picture gives feeing that the GOD is comeing down to the oldman.

 बहुत दिनों के बाद आज में कुछ लिख रही हु, दिल में इतना कुछ भर के रखा है, समझ में नहीं आ रहा है की क्या करू