Friday 30 August 2019

Learning Of E.A. Poe's Short story by Dr. Jay Mehta

We attended guest lectures by Dr.Jay Mehta during 16 Aug. to 18 Aug. 2019. He has good style to teaching.

  • Poe's horror and Detective Stories:-

1) The Tell- The Heart

          In this story narrator was unnamed who tell the story and at the end he accepts his crime. Normally in the story one character of an old man who has one artificial eye which becomes victim of his murder. After murder of old man narrator feel something like own death. His heartbeat becomes very fast and he remaining in fear. At the end of the story some strain remain unclear in reader's mind. It's interesting story.

2) The Black Cat:

 Here the title also indicate about story because black color connected with fear,death and something happening bad things and animal of cat also symbolize to wrong happen. So here all elements becoming around pet animal cat. Mostly people take care & love cat but here the black cat hated by narrator. Unknowingly he kills his wife and behind that murder for reason is the black cat. Here I like sense of narrator that How he hides her wife into wall. At the end of the story prove him as a murderer by death body of black cat. It's good narrative story & terrible story like as ' Monkey's Paw '.

3) The Fall of House:

In this story also unnamed narrator Who arrives at house of Roderick Usher. ' The fall of House ' is central of hallucination. Generally story working  around his sister who suffer through the catalepsy. Roderick and narrator both are remain in illusion that she is died and they buries her body in his house but really she is not dead. At the end of terrible story Medline stands besides her brother then both are falling down and Rodrick also dies but his house also remain splits. In the story open all the layers at the end.

4) The Cask of Amontillado:

The Cask of Amontillado' - You might be thinking, 'Great. I don't even understand the title - how am I supposed to understand this story?' So before we can start exploring Edgar Allan Poe's famous short story, we first need to define a couple of words in his title. Amontillado is a very specific kind of Spanish sherry, sherry being a fortified wine. And a cask is a barrel. So if we put that all together, this story could be called 'The Barrel of Sherry,' but 'The Cask of Amontillado' has a much better ring, don't you think?

5) The Purloined Letter:

  It's story creates the mysterious condition and detective story because here create suspense through letter. A letter has been stolen from the boudoir of an unnamed woman by the unscrupulous Minister D—. It is said to contain compromising information. D— was in the room, saw the letter, and switched it for a letter of no importance. He has been blackmailing his victim.( Wikipedia )

6) The Gold Bug:

"The Gold-Bug" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in 1843. The plot follows William Legrand, who was bitten by a gold-colored bug. His servant Jupiter fears that Legrand is going insane and goes to Legrand's friend, an unnamed narrator, who agrees to visit his old friend. Legrand pulls the other two into an adventure after deciphering a secret message that will lead to a buried treasure.

Thank you so much barad sir you organise this session

Thursday 29 August 2019

Movie Review of kya kehna in the contest of novel The scarlet letter.

Movie Review of kya kehna in the contest of novel The scarlet letter.

we see the  Hindi movie in English department "Kya Kehna" in the context of  The novel " The scarlet letter."

Though this novel is written in  1850's  and the movie is release in the year of 19 may  2000.

1. What are the name the protagonist in both the works ?

Three  protagonist in this novel. His name are 

1. Hester Prynne
2. Arthur Dimmesdale 
3. Roger chillingworth

Movie - kya kehna

Character name like that
1. Saif Ali khaK as Rahul modi
2. Priti Zinta as Priya Bakshi
3. ChandrachurSingh as Ajay

2. Write there story in brief.

The scarlet letter : 
      When the novel began we see that Hester is taken to give punishment. Because she has given birth to baby whose father is unknown. Now as a part of punishment she has to ware the letter "A" on her chest. We see that Arthur Dimmesdale was the father of the child. But this he accept at the end of the novel  before his death. Though out the novel we see that Hester by herself take care The child. When her husband return he decided to take revange.  But when Dimmesdale confess that he is father of the child of Hester and died. Because of his death chilligworth's  plan of taking revenge goes fail. After some time he also died. In end when Hester has died she hurried near the grave of Dimmesdale.

Kya kehna :- 

     Kya kehna is the story of a traditional, college girl Priya. She comes from a close middle class family. Priya came her home after completing her high school studies. And started doing college in her own city. Then she Falls in love with the Rahul who is belongs from one of elite family of town. He has not good image in college and everywhere . That's why  Priya's  brother said her to stay away from him as well as he warn Rahul also. Then one day  Priya is with Rahul and then she realised after a few day that she is pregnant but Rahul denied to merry her. But Priya desied to give birth to child. In all this though time her family and her friend Ajay support her. At last when Rahul realise her mistake he proposed her but she desied to marry Ajay who is friend of her and support her during her pregnancy. 

3.  What is the role palyed by society in Hester's life? 
Hester is courage woman who take care her child all alone. When we look the role of so We see that society never support her and always create problem for her. It never allow Hester to live life her own way.  Firstly they don't want Hester to live alone and when she gave birth to purle they gave A her to ware so that shows that she has done mistake. Even after her death society won't allow her to free from the letter A they write that on her grave. 

4. What is the role played by society in Priya's life ? 

  If she see the situation of Hester and Priya then its almost same. As Priya was pregnant out of wed-log so firstly her family doesn't accepts her and tells her to leave the house. Same way her friends, society, Rahul no one accepts her she was fighting all alone till some time after that her family accepts her and be with her. After her speech at annul function suddenly the heart of people changes and accepts her. As society accepts her she doesn't have to fight longer as Hester did in novel.

5. Compare and contrast the male characters, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, Rahul, and Ajay.

Roger chilligworth : He is husband of Hester. When he come to know about the purle. He blame Hester and desire to take revenge. He live with Dimmesdale and find out that he is father of purle. 
If we take look on the character of Dimmesdale then it seems that because of his power position he couldn't confess that the child was his. He wasn't having the courage to accept it as he was priest and society would not accept it and he would have to leave his position. He wishes to live with Hester and the child but here the society is barrier so comes at night to meet them. He was too taking punishment more though then Hester, but it was known by non.

      If we see the character of Ajay then he is the childhood friend of Priya and also loves her and he is also faithful to her till the end. He is ready to sacrifices his love if Priya is happy. He stands with her in every situation like a best friend does. When Priya is taking wrong decision then also he is with her or try to stop her. He is afraid that if he goes against her decision then he would lost her and the friendship. He is the very ideal person that every parents wish for her daughter to marry.

  6. Compare and contrast ‘The scaffold scene in The Scarlet Letter’ and ‘a year-end performance in Kya Kehna in which a group of students performs a play on Priya and her pregnancy’.

  movie and novel then it is almost one as one have to face the crowd and there insult. It is a situation were in both it tries to make them realize that they have given birth to a child out of wed-log and it was wrong and seen as a sin in eyes of society. During the scaffold the crowd wanted to know the name of the father and in the play they try to make her realize that she should not live anymore as she was the shame for her family and for the society. In Hester her child was her shield while for Priya she has to fight to make space for her and child. Hester was not having any one to support her while Priya was having her family to support her in facing society.
7. What are the reasons that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul do not come forward to accept their fatherhood? How do you they differ and what are the similarities?

 If we see in the novel then its seems the first reason would be that he is on high position as a priest and society would not accept him once he has accepted his love for Hester and tells that the child is of his. It seems that he likes his position more then his love and child. For him what society thinks is also important. Its not that he does not love them, he loves both of them only in dark and secret.
    the difference then its that Dimmesdale was taking pain as much as Hester is facing while Rahul was not having any kind of guilt. Both were afraid of insult and what society will think of them. Dimmesdale was loving Hester and wishing to be with them and was also taking care of the child in secret while Rahul was not loving Priya and he did not care what situation she faced after he left her. In both male dominating ego was overpowering them in accepting their child.

8. What is the role played by Chillingworth in Hester’s life? Why do you think he wanted to take revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale?

  He wants to take revange because he thinks that Hester is not faithful to him. And as a wife she must wait for him and she has cross the boundaries of his love. 

9. What is the role played by Rahul's mother in Priya’s life? Why do you think she wants to take revenge on Priya? 

   The  first of all thing I was sowsoabout Rahul's mother is that she is very class conscious. She like to show her Power in society. Because she say that how can we allowed her to live this way in city. After her instructions the play on that Priya's pragnancy was performed. The other reason is can be because of Priya  there was a flight between him and Priya's brother. 

10. Write a note on class difference in Kya Kehna.

  In movie there are something where We see class consciousness. Rahul' s mother show that thing. She always try to prove her power. We see that when Priya's father asked Rahul that when will you marry Priya that time he say that my parents won't allow this merriage because they want me to marry with the girls firm same of our class. 

11. Why do you think the director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state? Is it possible in real life? What are the reasons of your YES or NO?

   As I have mentioned that it is not possible to in real life to find character like Ajay. Because he is too ideal for anyone. He never judge Priya. Though he know that he love Rahul he accepted her. It is quite impossible for anyone to support the person who love someone else. According to me director lifted his character to ideal state to gave happy ending to movie. If Ajay was not ideal then Priya will never have such respect for her and she will never ready to merry him. Because in the end she say that I want to marry the person whom I can give respect.  So I think this can be The reason.

12. How do you see Hester and Priya as individuals?

 The novel and movie in both  the girls are of free will and they always live life the own way they want. They always take desision by them self. They stands for indipandent woman character.

13. Write a critical note on the end of the movie and the novel. Why do you think the novelist has not given happy ending?

  Then we talk about the end of novel and moving we see that it has tragedy end but its quite realistic end. The think I don't setified is that on the grave they write 'A' is not good. It shows they that even death won't allow you to free from your sin.

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