Friday 24 January 2020

Web Quest activity on Harry Potter

Web Quest activity on Harry Potter

  • What is Web- Quest ?:-

                                                         "A Web-Quest," according to Bernie Dodge, the originator of the WebQuest concept, "is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. Web-Quests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than on looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation."

 "Harry potter is not only children literature but it's universal literature", It's prove when I read some part of original book and watched all seven series of  Harry potter. Harry potter has lot of connection among the all subject, religion, reality, universality...etc. It's also given solution of my life questions so I have to say that It's work like Hindu's book " Bhagavat Gita" or " Mahabharata". So here I don't talked about Harry potter but I suggested that You must read all parts and watch all series with specific observation. So that as a a academic purpose I work on following topic which I try to found  into Harry potter.

Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, overthrow the wizard governing body known as the Ministry of Magic, and subjugate all wizards and Muggles. Sir has told us to make two tables,

1. Feminist Reading in Harry Potter

Hermione is one of the main female character of Harry Potter series. She is intelligent, fierce and a loyal friend The portrayal of her character is not static in all series. The character is changing from very beginning to the end. Like in the first part most of the tasks were done by Harrry only and she remains behind the wall. Then suddenly her character change in the third part where most of the task performed by her. Or she supports Harry and Ron in every task. Her presence is significant without her it becomes difficult to reach to the conclusion.

2. Discource on the purity of blood and Harry potter

There are some kind of racial discrimination in the novel like casteism, racism and class conflict. There are three kind of class Mud blood, Pure blood and Half blood. Blood status also called purity of blood is a concept in the wizarding world that distinguishes between family trees that have different levels of magically-endowed members. It often results in prejudice towards those who have a large numbers of muggles in their families. As Sirius black informed Harry Potter, almost all wizards of their time have Muggles in their family trees, though some claim not to. The concept played a key role in both the first and second Wizarding wars. Families that claim to be pure, to whatever extent they ever really were are dwindling in number.

3. Confronting reality by reading fantasy

Fantasy stories are commonly used to represent a particular reality that is present and visible in the society.
Harry 's frustration, desires and loneliness are based on emotions and feelings that is very typical for real people to experience.
Social moral issues such as greed , power, fame and superiority became one of the dark theme also present in current society. Discriminatioin Gryffindor , Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw  and Slytherin ,in school house produces that also in our society and culture.

The idea of Racism in the novel , ' Muggles ' & 'Wizards ' distinct in culture and abilities than regular people , sense of superiority over ordinary and powerless people still manifesting in the world. Desire is a major element of one's life and to control it become frustration as like Harry 's wish to meet his parents. Rowling uses the fantasy genre to further elaborate and criticise , what is currently happening in our society , rooted in real life events.

4. Self-help culture and Harry Potter

There are politics, court and their influences also introduced. In chamber of secrets Malfoy says that Daily Prophet don't print about attacks because Dumbledore must have settle it down. This happen in our world also. Powerful institutions and persons can control media also and right news never known to people. There is ministry of magic who control everything. They make laws and punish them who break them. Ministry of magic interrupt school also, they appointed Umbridge to the post of Howgarts high inquisitor to control Howgarts from inside. When Harry told Voldemort has returned ministry of magic don't believe it and tries to stop students from learning magic. So, politics is present in the novel and it affects school affairs.

5. The discourse of power and politics

"Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don;t know who's working for him who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing...The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. 

Mini Review  1 Click Here
Web Quest    2  Click Here
Rubric        3 Click Here

    Language Lab Review

      As a part of studying language we need to improve many things and which are the mistakes that we can find and do correct through this language lab software.  

1) Grammar skill 
   - The sentence 
   - sentence structure I
2) Listening skill
   - Lesson.. 
   - Classroom 
   - At home 
   - At the picnic 
   - Shopping 
   - At the office 

           This all are complited. If anybody wants to go abroad them it will help them for listening and speaking practice. We can improve grammar and all the things with the help of various tools. We can improve our listening ability.

Level :- 3

1) Consonants-I
  - Practice 1
2) Consonants -II

          This Consonant 1 and 2 both are completed work. I was speak and so many different. both are very interesting and improve the consonants.
Level :- 3) Phonetic

1) Phonetic
   - Ear Training
   - Intonation
   - Rhythm
   - Stress Patterns
2) Writing skill
   - Official Letters VII
   - Writing a Report I
3) Reading skill
   - Stone Flowers
   - A vision for the future

Language lab software is very important to us, because this software is give so many information about grammar and other points. this software is difficult and different but knowledge wise is software is really good. all points are very good and interesting in this software. because this is very difficult to understand. when start this software in i'm so much confused after we need this information that why this software is very important. language lab software gives so many points and levels like level 1,2,3 and very important and interesting points is grammar skill, listening skill, phonetics and writing skill. most important is this phonetics. this phonetics in feature gives correction of our words.this is very important point in clear our voice and word pronounces.


* NAMO TEB full form ?
        - "New Avenues of Modern Education".

                 The Namo tablet Yojana is a scheme which is aimed towards giving students tablet at subsidized ritesh of Rs 1000. namo or is aimed towards the collage student especially. this scheme was lauched on 13th July 2017 by Vijay Rupani. the fiest count of the tablets shell be given on 14th July 2017 by 4 pm, ram GB External memory 64 GB. 

                     Namo e-tab has providing this kind of facilities for us. i think many less students who uses this tablet don't know about this. The British Council is the United kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities. learn English with the British council and be learning with the world's English exeperts.

   In short this app provide to us so many examples for learning English.If we want to learn English language so this app very helpful for us, thats why they creates so many points because we can understand very easily. when we try to give answer that time we can feel relaxed because this app is very easy to give answer. we can arrange multiple choices. That hard to find a language learning program in mobile software. the mobile language app is different.

                               Both are very interesting software. both are very easy when we are understand.Truly i enjoye in both learning and also gain good quality of knowledge which will be useful for my further future life.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Thinking Activity DaVinci Code

Thinking Activity DaVinci Code

About Author :-

Image result for dan brown

                               Dan Brown full name is Daniel Gerhard Brown. Daniel Gerhard Brown born 22 June 1964 is an American author best known for his thriller novels, including the Robert Langdon novels Angels & Demons (2000), The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Lost Symbol (2009), Inferno (2013) and Origin (2017).

Image result for da vinci code

Q-1) Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used " as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith.

Ans :- According to Dan Brown this novel "The Da Vinci Code. this novel is not Anti-Christianity. this whole book is based on idea of Christianity and showing some imaginative truths about Christianity. Dan Brown is not saying that this is truth or related with history. this movie is darker side of Christianity. the including historical thing that is battle between opus dai and priory of sion.

Q-2) "Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the priory of sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on". How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lucy ?   

Ans :- Yes, of course the observation of Norris Lacy is true. we can Akiva Goldsman has conserved the story line and it is much like novel. the grail related material, definite aspects of Leonardo's art and may things. the screen writer is successful to keep the core content through the use of all the symbols secrets about the novel. Dan Brown's major materials for the novel is taken from the book 'The holy blood and the holy grail'.

Q-3) (If) You have studied 'Genesis' (The Bible),'The Paradise Lost' (John Milton) and 'The Da Vinci Code' (Dan Brown). which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind ? 

Ans :- That narrative structure is more important part of the novel. the narrative of the Da Vinci Code is more convincing for the contemporary young generation. Genesis and Paradise lost tells story of God. the narrative of 'The Paradise lost' is better narrative than "The Da Vinci Code" because Milton gave the voice to minor character like Eve and Satan rather than God and Adam. so, somehow it is convince modern mind because they find the discrimination in the bible. "The Da Vinci Code" narrative look very far away from truth.

Q-4) What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton's in the paradise lose? what sort of damage does narrative like 'The Vinci Code' do to humanity ?

Ans :- Milton's 'The Paradise lost' clearly presents that if we don't follow the god then it will become harmful for us. the biblical narration churches had all the power. they were controller of the society and people were not free. even artists also had to paint and draw what church want. lots of people have been killing for religion. the Da Vinci code tries to deconstruct Jesus as god with the help of myths. in novel is description of how millions of women were killing of Marie Magdalene. the end it proves that heir of Jesus is living.

Q-5) What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland Joffe's the Scarlet letter or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howars's The Da Vinci Code ? How would justify your answer ?
Ans :- There is not much difference all the Female Characters. All the Characters have different role and different context. but we see from the movie perspective then we can realize that director portrayed all the female characters as brain with beauty not active like male characters. in every works female characters as intellectual as male characters they unable to show talent hence directors show just as beautiful actresess who support male protagonist.

Monday 20 January 2020

Thinking Activity The White Tiger

Thinking Activity The White Tiger

Image result for aravind adiga

About writer
          Aravind Adiga born 23 October 1974 is an Indo - Australian writer and Journalist. His debut novel, The White Tiger, won the 2008 man Booker prize. Adiga's second book, between the Assassinations, was released in India in November 2008 and in the US and UK in mid 2009; Twelve interlinked short stories comprise this book. His second novel and third published book, last man in Tower, was published in UK in 2011. his third novel, selection day, was published on 8 September 2016.

Q-1) How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger ?

ANS :- I am Strongly agree with the India represented in the White Tiger. Aravind Adiga present real image of India in the White tiger novel. there is two India, India of darkness in India of light. satirize highlight corruption, talks very strongly on religion, society, do not see anybody is so good everybody is corrupt all strata of society. Arvind Adiga represent very real about India we give real life example like do not get murderers after killing. Even Adiga criticize all of them are India.

            Balram taken out of school because of his family crisis and put to work in tea shop. this novel in reality of India children's not allowed to study. because of poverty family don't have source of income then they have to do kind of thing. Arvind Adiga wants to say threw Balaram halvai is something about subaltern identity.  

Q-2) Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches' ?
ANS :- Balaram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'. Balram has decided to share his own story of entrepreneurial success. he believes his rags-to-riches tale will show the premier "the truth about Bangalore", representing all that fascinates and appeals to Balram about the light of urban coastal India. he controls light and darkness, where he once was a slave to circumstance and others. 
Q-3) Write a blog on similarities between The White Tiger and Slumdog Millionaire. include following points:

(I).  Narrative Structure - Wanted Poster # KBC show :- 

                    The novel start with introduction of Balram. In the novel there is poster reading scene and along with it the parallel story of Balram Halwai is going on. One side is reading wanted poster and other side is remembering is past and crime he has committed. In the film we find that one side the questions and answers show running and reference to each questions, Jamal is thinking of his past.

(ii). Indianness :- 

                   The film and the novel successfully presents the reality of slums in India. There's deep Indianness, satire on police system, image of slums, two brothers, trains, difference between "knowledge and understanding ". While we imagine about the India, there is first imagery of trains. Then the archetype of two brothers,one is good and other is bed.

(iii).  List of questions asked in the film. If you have to replace or add a few questions, which questions would you like to add.  Remember,questions shall be in-tune with the screenplay of the film. 

 1. Who was the star in the 1973 hit film "zanzeer"

   (A) Shah Rukh Khan 
   (B) Salman Khan
   (C) Amitabh Bachhan
   (D) Ranbir Kappor
Answer :- (C) 

2. A Picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it? 

    (A) The Truth alone triumphs
    (B) Lies alone triumphs
    (C) Fashion alone triumphs 
    (D) Money alone triumphs 
Answer :- (A) 

3. In depiction of god Rama,  he is famously holding what in his right hand? 

   (A) A bow and arrow 
   (B) A Sword
   (C) A child 
   (D) A Flower
Answer :- (A) 

4. The song "Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which Indian poet? 

   (A) Surdas
   (B) Tulsidas
   (C) Mirabai
   (D) Kabir
Answer :- (A) 

5. On the American one Hundred dollar bill, there is portrait of which American statesman? 

    (A) George Washington 
    (B) Franklin Roosevelt 
    (C) Benjamin Franklin 
    (D) Abraram Lincoln
Answer :- (C) 
6. Who invented the revolver? 

    (A) Samuel colt
    (B) Bruce Browning
    (C) Dan Wesson
    (D) James revolver 
Answer :- (A) 
7. Cambridge circus is in which UK city? 

    (A) Oxford
    (B) Leeds
    (C) Cambridge 
    (D) London
Answer :- (D) 
8. Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history? 

    (A) Sachin Tendulkar 
    (B) Ricky Ponting
    (C) Michael Slater
    (D) Jack Hobbs
Answer :- (D) 

(iv). On what grounds can u deconstruct the film with reference to post colonial tools / theories. 

          Postcolonial study helps us to question the power dynamics. Between colonial centers and margins. Postcolonial perspective, the film is very problematic. A westerner, Danny Boyle directed the film,  which is not satisfies the Indians. The film described the reality of India, the white people are so much glad to see. Because it is their wish Indians are remain poor, is beneficial for them. Director use the reality of India, politics, the real side of police system, child abuse. The post colonial perspective the film is very problematic. India not same today described as into movie but India is a changing now. 

(v) Compare with texture and treatment of subject content in film and novel. 

                The film and novel is much similar presents the dark side of India rather than looking at the light side. The novel and the film on darker side of India. The texture of the film and novel little differs from each other. In the novel the protagonist himself corrupt person. Themes like corruption, poverty can be found in both novel and film. The Salim everyone is corrupt in the film. In the novel character of protagonist is corrupt.  If small corruption like, taking more money from masters to repair car or petrol then keeping the remaining amount is corruption. 

The waiting for Barbarian

The Waiting for Barbarian

The Waiting for Barbarian 

             Department of English, Dilip Barad sir organized guest lecture. Dilip Barad sir invited R. B. Zala sir for "Waiting for Barbarian" from saurastra University. He has good skill of intersection and deep reading in text. I got a lot of help this lecture.  R. B. Zala sir is a very knowledgeable man. 

* About Author :-

                   Waiting for Barbarians is a novel by the south African born writer, J. M. Coetzee full name is John Maxwell Coetzee. He was born on 9 February 1940 is a south-African,  Novelist,  essayist, linguist, translator and recipient of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature. He has also won the Booker prize. He is decorated authors in the English language. He is first novel was Dusklands (1974), and he second novel was "Waiting for Barbarian" (1980), and he has continued to produce novels at the rate of about one every three years. 

* Plot Summary :- 

                  The Story is unnamed magistrate. The magistrate's rather peaceful existence comes to an end with the empire's declaration of a state of emergency and the deployment of the third bureau-special forces of the empire-due to rumours that the area's indigenous people, called "Barbarians" by the colonist, might be preparing to attack the town. Colonels Joll has been dispatched to investigate whether Military action is needed. The magistrate begins to question the legitimacy of imperialism and personally nurses a barbarian girl was left crippled and party blinded by the third Bureau's torturers. 

                   The magistrate has an in uncertain relationship with the girl. The third bureau soldiers have reappeared there and now arrest the magistrate for having deserted his post and the enemy. He finally acquires a key that allows him to leave the makeshift jail. Colonel Joll triumphantly returns from the wilderness with barbarian. The magistrate a group of soldiers hangs him up by his arms, deepening his understanding of imperialistic violence by personal experience of torture. The soldiers begin to flee the town as winter approaches and campaign the barbarians collapses. The magistrate tries to confront joll on his final return from the wild. There is no sign of the barbarians by the time the season's first snow falls on the town. 

* Major Character of the Novel :-

(1) The Magistrate :- 
             He is the story's first person narrator. Territory belonging to an unnamed empire. His work is to give punishment to Barbarian.

(2) The girl :- 
                     The named girl is one of joll's torture during the campaign against the barbarians. She is silent voice in this novel. She is the symbol of magistrate sympathy. like poor girl. she have not her voice.

(3) Mandel :- 
                         Mandel is colonel Joll's henchman. He's a blue-eyed, blonde, muscular, attractive man who does much of joll's dirty work. He is the sadistic officer who personally tortures the magistrate.

(4) Colonel Joll :- 
                             He was an official in the mysterious third bureau and an arm of the civil guard. He was created to protect the empire, which is threatened by barbarians. Joll,s violant method

(5) Mai :- 
                          Mai is the scullery cook with the magistrate starts a sexual relationship, although both parties are ashamed of their arrangement. 

* Central Themes :- 

(1) Savagery and Barbarism
(2) Truth
(3) Dominance and Musculinity
(4) imperialism 
(5) Colonialism 
(6) Male sexuality
(7) Interogation 

* Comparison with other texts :- 

(1) Robinson Crusoe 
(2) The Tempest

*The most striking unique Feature of this novel.

(1) Post colonial studies

        Inshort in this novel J.M Coetzee wrote about how normal African people have to suffer from Empire and from other outside. He also talk about the critical conditions of vilage people. People suffer from mantal pain as well as physical pain also. They only waiting for barbarians but there nothing like barbarians its just a illusion.

                                                Thank you

 बहुत दिनों के बाद आज में कुछ लिख रही हु, दिल में इतना कुछ भर के रखा है, समझ में नहीं आ रहा है की क्या करू