Thursday 18 July 2019

Sairandhri by Vinod joshi

Sairandhri by Vinod joshi

Image result for sairandhri by vinod joshi             
Vinod Joshi: 
             Gujarati વિનોદ જોશી; born On13 August 1955) is a postmorden Gujarati poet, writer and critic from Gujarat. His notable works include Parantu, a collection of Geets (lyric poetry) (1984), Shikhandi, a long narrative poem based on Shikhandi a character from the Mahabharata (1985), Radio Natak: Swarup ane Siddhant (Radio Drama: Form and Theory, an abridged Ph.D. thesis) (1986), Tundil-tundika, a form of padyavarta, a Gujarati medieval literary genre (1987), and Zalar Vage Zoothadi, a collection of poems (1991). He is the recipient of the Jayant Pathak Puraskar (1985), Critic's award (1986), Kavisvar Dalpatram Award (2013), Sahitya Gaurav Award (2015), Narsinh Mehta Award (2018), and Kalapi Award (2018).

                                            He published this poem in 2018. This metrical poem composed in prabandha form with seven cantos, 49 chapters and 1800 lines. It is based on Draupadi, one of the characters of Hindu epic Mahabharata. Here poet tried to explain Draupadi's feeling and thoughts. As a part of languages I can find that poet used figurative language, personification, meters, Chopai and Dohra in ' Sairandhri '. Here poet used Shrigar rasa also. Moreover I added that ' language always applied and each language has own valluations '. Normally creation of poem is reflection of poet's thoughts and reflection of background language. So here Vinod joshi born in rural area so He handed down his rural words in poem.

  • Sairandhri:-

                                          We know that this poem based on Mahabharta. In Mahabharata one part of ' Virat Parva '. It's call ' Agnat Vas ' which living into hidden form and without self-sameness wherever. Here question is that What's purpose of remaining in hidden way ? Draupadi was daughter of king Drupad. She known with variuos name into  Mahabharta like as Krishna, Yagnaseni, Paanchali...etc. Behind her name responsible various story and problem. But here Vinod Joshi presented droupadi as lover of Karna. As a queen of Hastinapur Draupadi How she became Dashi during in Agnat Vas? and How she faced various problem in her life ?.  It's very interesting way interpreted by him.
  •  Loss identity :-                                             Generally We find that Human being has hidden ambition of fame and power position. People many time work for praise and promotion. Even government make strictly rule of Adhar card. Government work to think about public identity. Why need identity in nowadays ? People prefer to die for save indistinguishably. Here Sairandhi has not proper one identity. She played vital roll in Mahabharata without one certain identity. She loss her identity with sacrifice of body for five male pandavas. Is it right for her ?  Same as happening in our present life also. When we separate away from our selves at that time we lost our root form and personal identity. In Mahabharta She don't raise question for her identity who has not freedom to express own desire. She can't protect herself with praise. In the poem she was powerful woman described by him. This poem explain about only one woman condition,emotions and feelings, not included male character here.
    • Love for Karna :- 
                                               In the poem different way interpreted love story of  Sairandhri and karna rather than Mahabharta's story. This poem represented that her first choice for love is Karna and second choice is Arjuna. So here Karna & Droupadi both are love each other but they don't share publicly. Same condition we find in our society. Many time young boy and girl has not proper platform to said who is their true lover ? Then they chose bad way for satisfaction. As a woman it is difficult task to say in Indian family . So here both are remain with hidden themselves. They don't tell to other about relationship. Karna was brave man although he had hidden his ownership. Poet's one objects of the create poem is that woman has to power to fight without hesitation.

Academic visiting : Ankur School (Bhavnagar)

Academic visiting: Ankur school {Bhavnagar}

                                          Before two day, We visited 'Ankur School' at Sardarnagar in Bhavnagar. I have visited this school three times bt, first Time I went to there through the organization by the Department of English ( MKBU). Once upon a time in India Disable child has not proper space in education journey and even in a family membership. I saw mostly people misbehave with any types of disable children and person also. So My question is that, Why society hate with  them ? May be you will listen the name of " Stephen Hawking". He was Physically disable. He can't wear own clothe himself but he worked a lot as a Scientific researcher. Can you imagine how he do it ?. Every person has own hidden ability but Who is searching this ability?  

                                               The students of the department of English visited ' Ankur School ' for special Children. When We go to Ankur School for special children during that I felt that We  were going to meet of "God". First of We managed vehicles for how we wil go through there ? It is nice experience for me.

 बहुत दिनों के बाद आज में कुछ लिख रही हु, दिल में इतना कुछ भर के रखा है, समझ में नहीं आ रहा है की क्या करू