Thursday 18 July 2019

Academic visiting : Ankur School (Bhavnagar)

Academic visiting: Ankur school {Bhavnagar}

                                          Before two day, We visited 'Ankur School' at Sardarnagar in Bhavnagar. I have visited this school three times bt, first Time I went to there through the organization by the Department of English ( MKBU). Once upon a time in India Disable child has not proper space in education journey and even in a family membership. I saw mostly people misbehave with any types of disable children and person also. So My question is that, Why society hate with  them ? May be you will listen the name of " Stephen Hawking". He was Physically disable. He can't wear own clothe himself but he worked a lot as a Scientific researcher. Can you imagine how he do it ?. Every person has own hidden ability but Who is searching this ability?  

                                               The students of the department of English visited ' Ankur School ' for special Children. When We go to Ankur School for special children during that I felt that We  were going to meet of "God". First of We managed vehicles for how we wil go through there ? It is nice experience for me.

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