Monday 16 September 2019

August: Patriotism and Religious Fervour

August : Patriotism and Religious fervour

bhagwat-August Patriotism and Religious fervour

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August month is most of we called it religious month as Indian we know we are most notable country for lost of celebration country. During this month specially Gujarati celebrate lost of religious festivals like Rakshabandhan, Nagpanchami, Shitala Satham, Janmashtami, Id Mubarak etc. But it is my illusion because other states also celebrates this kind of days.
Religious VS Science

In the real sense people free from religious beliefs because still people believe to celebrate shitala sath doing worship to Shitalamata to believing she will save from chickenpox and smallpox but scientist vaccination helpful for us, not any goddess myrical. And most of people don't know about scientist Edward Jenner who found vaccination to spoil varial infection. While Magal massion kind of movie to appreciate the religious so it like bothering for us. How can be  religious ideas connect with science? Because both are dealing with different ideas.

Patriotism VS Religious

During this month most people busy to celebrate religious festivals and they may be forgotten 15th August independence day behind history how we get freedom, we have a cruel history behind freedom it is a partition of India divided two-country - India and Pakistan, most of the people forget partition upon the nonsense based religion. So it is fair to forget the  scene. Now again our most of Political party do that thing and we are celebrating and clapping when they speak on religious.

Now most of the  believe nation and country both are same but it is not synonyms word while it is quite a different word nation means - A nation is officially observed as a group of people who share the same cultural identity. They share the same language, culture and lineages. While County means Country, conversely, is synonymous with ‘State’ as it applies to self-governing political identities. So both means different.
Furthermore how political parties direct people to Nation.

Nowadays Nation word is more considering by political leaders this is not good sign for free India. In the post colonial discourse partition ideals for blame to lawyer John Radcliff but it is not one person who agree with the partition but also we are responsible and government responsible that partition. It is other side of reality, I don’t say European were not responsible for partition but they fulfilled major role for partition. When we say some of was responsible for something so it may be our weakness that why someone fulfilled their desire or motive. That type of history development to understanding present time. Nation vs State poem by Bhagwat Rawat. His poem is a satire on political leaders more consider word nation. And they are try divide in regions and caste but it is real harmful for us.

Thank You

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