Thursday 12 September 2019

Modernism & Modern poem

Modernism & Modern poem

  • Meaning of Modernism :-

                                              Modernism is a period in literary history which started around the early 1900s and continued until the early 1940s. Modernist writers in general rebelled against clear-cut storytelling and formulaic verse from the 19th century. Instead, many of them told fragmented stories which reflected the fragmented state of society during and after World War I.

                                              But According to my opinion i think Modernism doesn't means something contemporary which talk about modern fashion, culture and something new it's call modernism. Another way i have to say that modernism is a opposite side of tradition. It means that Broken all thing, culture, traditions it's call modernism. Here I will put example of Wordsworth and Coleridge for better understanding. Both are wrote new way and create new form for writing. They also wrote against tradition and system.

                                              Every new inventions once upon a time criticize. Same as Modernism also criticize by many writers. During modern time creatively created new form of story, poem and structure by modernist poets. We know that literature is mirror of society and Literature always connected with society,religion,politics...etc. whose give perfect shaped literature. Parent's of Victorian age doesn't happy from that literature. " The Wast Land " written by T.S.Eliot is best example of modern poem.

General Characteristics of the Modern Age:-

 ●Anxiety and Interrogation,
 ●Art for Life's sake,
 ●Growing Interest in the poor and the working classes,
 ●Impact of socio- economic conditions on literature,
 ●Psychology and Literature,
 ●The Impact of the Two world wars,
 ●International character of Literature,
 ●The Influence of Radio, Cinema & Television. This are the characteristics of modern era.

Very Short Modernist Poems:-

1) The Embankment by T.E.Hulme :-

                       The poem is may be about one man who is capitulate person. And he wants to peace and something powerful; because, man is addicted to something. Man or particular person who talk with god and say something. Here I find two words like, Old star and blanket; this two words are shown falling and bad things. When old star shows us falling down and Blanket is symbool of darkness. And people always try for existence. 

2) Darkness by Joseph Campbell :-

                        'Darkness' poem written by Joseph Campbell .  Joseph Campbell was an Irish poet who wrote in both English and Gaelic. In the poem 'Darkness' in talk about 🌟 star, wind, 🌒 moon , 🌃 night,  etc nature elements . So all are like symbol and also talk about woman's  and child. Moon comparison with hunted thing,dropping into the cloud. This poem in poet feel darkness something bad so poet talk about drakness in poem only 4lines.

 3) Image by Edward Storey :-

                     Edward Storer  was clearly influenced by Japanese form such as the haiku, This poem has completed into only 3 Lines also.According to my point of view in the short poem seems like as an image. We can't bind in one certain idea about any Image. but  here may be the Image of Sorrowful condition and everything looks like varnished. I can imagine that situation is became like as land of desert with full moon light. There are somebody on pyre and due to the lake of love and everyone certainly has payed the price.

4) 'In a station of the metro' by Ezra Pound :-

                    Pound's two lines poem is very interesting and very simply I understand this. Here, Ezra says about the Paris Metro Station. Because, some crowds of people and voice of metros. Train is simbol of various kinds of people, religion, culture and different languages. So, it's vast and deep meaningful poem, and I personally like this. 

 5) The Pool by H. D. Hilda Doolittle :- 

              This poem is about overpowering or colonising  someone. First it was asked that are you alive oe not. Very sarcastically, we can see that no. It is not alive. Because now it is there in the net of somebody. Fish after going in the net, cannot survive for longer.

6) Insouciance by Richard Al dingin :-

                      In this poem the poet presents that how people are living their life insouciance way with carelessness . They try to express their feeling in literature as poet says " I make for myself little poem" the way of living is with no excitement "in and out of the dreary trenches" but though all are walking on their path with such cheer, the reference of "white-winged Doves" is used for modern culture of living life and feeling of isolation is there.

7) Morning at the window by T. S. Eliot :-

                         This is a short poem written by T.S. Eliot it was imagist poem. This poem completed into 9lines. It presents an image of poverty. The speaker is at the window he maybe the visitor of this kind of poor people. It has idea of poverty and feeling of sympathy. The theme of the poem " Morning at the window " itself shows poverty.

8) The Red wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams :-

                       In this poem is divide four stanzas. The poem describes in humongous detail not just a Wheelbarrow but a whole scene, a moment stuck in time. Williams's form in the poem accomplishes this by using the strange break points to emphasize certain words and letting the words and their rhythms work for themselves. In the poem see word 'depends.

9) Anecdote of the Jar by Wallace Stevens :-

                          This poem First time published in 1919. It was one of the best Steven's best-known Short poems. It appeared in his first volume off  poems and has been baffling critics and readers. This poem has been completed into 12 lines. Here  poet has good imagination. I think poet puts Jar on the hill. It was represented progress and beauty of nature.

10) "I" by E. E. Cummings :-

                    In this poem shows itself the state of being alone and sokitudes There is a word "fall"  which represents the state of dullness. It can be a fall of civilization, individual's hope or fall of anything else. If a leaf falls from a tree then the fallen leaf become lonely. In modernist literature we can see fall of spirituality and also fall of hope . Loneliness represents the separation from the entire world.



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