Saturday 6 April 2019

I. A. Richards

DescriptionIvor Armstrong Richards, known as I. A. Richards, was an English educator, literary critic, and rhetorician whose work contributed to the foundations of the New Criticism, a formalist movement in literary.
Richard's intellectual contributions to the establishments of the literary methodology of the New Criticism are presented in the books The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism, by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism , practical criticism and The Philosophy of Rhetoric.

Examples  :-

पंछी बनूँ उड़ती फिरू मस्त गगन मे
आज मैं आज़ाद हू दुनिया की चमन मे
पंछी बनूँ उड़ती फिरू मस्त गगन मे
आज मैं आज़ाद हू दुनिया की चमन मे
हिल्लोरी(हिल्लोरी, हिलो हिलो हिलो री)
हिल्लोरी(हिल्लोरी, हिलो हिलो हिलो री)
हिल्लोरी(हिल्लोरी, हिलो हिलो हिलो री)
हिल्लोरी(हिल्लोरी, हिलो हिलो हिलो री)
ओ मेरे जीवन मे चमका सवेरा
ओ मिटा दिल से वो गम का अंधेरा
ओ हरे खेतो मे गाए कोई लहरा
ओ यहा दिल पर किसिका ना बैरा
रंग बहारो ने भरा मेरे जीवन मे
रंग बहारो ने भरा मेरे जीवन मे
आज मैं आज़ाद हू दुनिया की चमन मे
पंछी बनूँ उड़ती फिरू मस्त गगन मे
आज मैं आज़ाद हू दुनिया की चमन मे
ओ दिल ये चाहे बहारो से खेलु
ओ गोरी नादिया की धारो से खेलु
ओ चाँद सूरज सितारो से खेलु
ओ अपनी बाहो मे आकाश लेलू
बढ़ती चालू गाती चालू अपनी लगन मे
बढ़ती चालू गाती चालू अपनी लगन मे
आज मैं आज़ाद हू दुनिया की चमन मे
पंछी बनूँ…

In this song it is writer's imagination it is not happens in real situation. So here poet used the metaphor of bird . SHe wants to free from all the cicircumstance. Words shows her happiness. 

Cultural studies & Post colonialism

Friday, April 5, 2019

culture and post modernism

This blog is about my response on online discussion on Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's Academy Award for her documentary, "A girl in the River"

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's academy Award for her documentry, A girl in the River, has been much celebrated at home. Deservedly so.

Like her first Oscar-winning documentary, saving face, which spotlit the horror of acid attack, this too is a visceral, urgent piece of film-making. But alongside the jubilation is another view, persistent and petty, that is inevitably voiced at such occasions. Widely shared by politicians, journalists, religious leader, in short 'patriots' of all stripes, this opinion has it that sharmeen  has done a grave disservice to her country by highlighting the misery of ordinary Pakistanis to further her own career. Hence, the twitter trend: DisownSharmeen. 

Why, he asked, 'had Adiga chosen not to write about the so many nice, nice things that are happening in India? The same critique was also trotted out when Danny Boyle's film, Slumdog Millionaire, won big at the Oscar. or when Malala won the Nobel prize. Or Sharmeen her first Oscar. Really, why can't  all these people just Photoshop our reality? why can't the hide our flaws and emphasize our virtues so we can win respect and admiration of Western societies? many 'concerned citizens' in Pakistan ask why Sharmeen did not make a film about that tireless humanitarian, Edhi, or better still, about the victims of drone strikes, cataloging American injustice, rather than our own.

Truth wins: The buzz around Sharmeen's film has prompted Nawaz Sharif to say that the practice of honor killings in Pakistan should come to an end.

  • Cultural Study:-                  The prime duty of any literary writer is to present the contemporary issues and picture of nation. Everyone has the right to voice and freedom of expression. So they are free to portrayed the condition of their country. But many follower of ideology and political discourse try to banned this kind of harsh reality, because they do not bear the bad images of their culture and country.
  • We have recently example of Film Padmavat in which the group of people banned film because the do not like that people see about their culture. Another one is the documentry film "Nirbhaya gang rape" which was banned by government because they believe that our new generation become spoiled because of the movie. 

  • Post-colonialism:
                                      general belief of the people is that writer must write about the glory and positive side of their country, and we Asian believe that western people give awards on our bed images and they happy because western people feel happy when they see our poor condition. But this is not right, we have many examples from the western works:

  • Oliver Twist
  • Sense and sensibility
  • The west land etc

These all works portrayed the reality of the society. In 'Oliver Twist', Dickens portrayed the poor law of Victorian Britain that how the cruel law for the poor and orphan children. After the publication of the novel 'Oliver Twist' British government pass the reformation bill and law about child laboring. So, we can say that is is not about western people that they feel happy on our poor condition.

if we want to reform our poor condition, this kind of work is very important to open the eyes of power. I agree with this kind of way to show our reality. because such a work awake people as well as the power to stop this kind superstition and cruel ideological

Derrida and Deconstruction


 What do you understand by 'Deconstruction'?
ans :-  Deconstruction is a term which is connected with demolition of a particular text or a particular thing and than looking at it with a new way by making margins center and center margin.

Read an ad or TV serial or Film or literary text as post-structuralist critic. Be brief, precise and to the point.

Ans :-  we recently had controversy in surf exel advertisement. the controversy started with the thought of deconstruction of the advertisement. the religious believers had a problem of a girl of Hindu Religious and the boy from Muslim religion. than other problem was of Love Jihad in that advertisement.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Paper 8 Culturer Studies

Paper 7 Literary theory Criticism assignment

Paper 6 Victorian Literature Assignment

Paper 5 Romantic Literature Presentation

Paper 7 Literary Criticism

Paper 8 Culture studies

Paper 6 Victorian Literature

Paper 5 -Presentation - Romantic Literature

Cultutral Studies-Types of Cultural Studies

Cultural Studies-Types of Cultural Studies

Sr. no.
Types of cultural Studies
Major writers & their works (year)
Thought, Ideas, Concepts
British cultural materialism
- Matthew Arnold
-  Redefine the “givens “ of British culture
- Analyses of bourgeois culture.
- Edward Burnett Tylor’s pioneering anthropological study  “Primitive Culture “ (1871).
- Culture or civilization, taken in its widest ethnographic sense, is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society “.
- Claude Levi-Strauss (work – The Raw and the cooked in 1975)
- To attribute culture the working class as well as the elite.
- Gramsci  (Selection from the prison notebooks)
- Concept of “hegemony”
-  Althusser
(For Marx 1965)
- Concept of ideology
-  Walter Benjamitn
- Concept of “aura of culture “.
- Lukacas
- Reflection theory
- Bakhtin Mikhail
(The dialogue imagination)
- Concept of “Disinterested “.
New Historicism
- Michel warner
- “The text is historical and history is textual”.
- Frederick Jamson
- “Always historicize”
- Stephen Greenblatt
- “New Historicism “
-  Michael Foucault
- “Theory of power and knowledge “.
- H. Aram veeser
- “The moment of exchange “.
-  Porter
- “World views magisterially unfolding as a series of table in a flim called progress”.
American multiculturalism
-  Richard Lewontin
- He found that most genetic differences were within racial groups not between them.
- Henry Louis Gates
- Uses the word “Race” only in quotation marks, for it pretends to be an objective term of classification “.
Ø  1.        
African American writers
- Ralph Ellison
- He argued that any “Viable theory of Negro American culture obligates us to fashion a more adequate theory of American culture as Whole”.
- Folkloric
- Concept of humankind, a “Double Consciousness “.
- Hurston
- Concept of “Niggerati”, celebrated, black culture.
Ø  2.
Latina/O writers
- Latonas
- They have the task of redefining not only ethnicity but also gender roles and histories different from their men.
- Rudolfo Anaya
(Bless me, Ultima(1973)
- Focuses on the impact of world war 2 on a small community in a New Mexico.
- Guadalupe Hidalgo
- Concept of early trajectories to refer to sequence timing and speed.
Ø  3.
American Indian Literature
Ø  4.
Asian American writers
- Edward Said
- Concept of orientalism
Post Modernism and Popular culture
1.       Post Modernism
- Henry james
(The art of fiction)
- Using new techniques drawn from psychology, experimented with point of view, time, space, and  stream of consciousness writing.
- Jean Francois Lyotard
- He argues that the stability is maintained through “Grand narratives “ or “Master narratives “.
2.       Popular culture
Postcolonial Studies
- Edward Said
-  “Concept of orientalism “.
- Gayatri chakravorty
- Theory of “Subaltern “.
- Homi K. Bhabha
- Post colonialism theory involves analysis of nationality, ethnicity and politics with poststructuralist ideas of identity and indeterminacy, defining postcolonial identities as shifting, hybrid constructions.

Structuralism thinking activity

Structuralism - thinking activity

        In literary theory structuralism is an approach to analysing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure. Structuralist critic find same structure in many literary work in same way we found many same structure in movies, serial and advertisment. we find in some literary work  there where same structure repeat several time.  

  • Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson

Patriotism means love of one's country. Patriotism is a common virtue. There is hardly anyone who does not love his country. If there is, he is not fit to be alive. Sir Waiter Scott says that such a man will die "Unwept, unhonoured and unsung."

Some of examples of  Patriotism :

1. Kesari  : - 

Movie Review: Akshay Kumar's 'Kesari' Is Yet Another Contrived Nationalist Drama

Kumar playing a patriot, in a film set in pre-independent India, restoring dignity and pride to his fellow countrymen. Which film is that: Gold or Kesari? A middle-aged man, in love with his wife, recognising a social taboo and proposing a tradition-defying solution, empowering millions of Indians. Which film again: Toilet or Pad Man? An undercover agent, not afraid to bend rules, in the service of the nation: Rustom or Naam Shabana? A review generator, as you can see, will save everyone’s time. It is only fair, after all, that his audience gets the same privilege as the star: of easy  epetition.  

2. The Legend of Bhagat Singh

Rajkumar Santoshi's fantastic retelling of the story of the young freedom fighters Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru, who willingly tied the noose around their necks, filled us with pride and made us introspect.

3.Purab Aur Paschim

Manoj Kumar giving it to the West, and making our eyes brim with pride. Enough said.

 बहुत दिनों के बाद आज में कुछ लिख रही हु, दिल में इतना कुछ भर के रखा है, समझ में नहीं आ रहा है की क्या करू