Friday 11 October 2019

Modernist poem

1)  The Embankment  poem by T.E.Hulme, It says that in the night that was very cold one gentleman fallen by one girl. Means one night I found one guitar man that make me feel bliss, and than I saw gold flash of heels on the hard road, that was girl, in the forth line meaning was change by material of warmth’s, that we find in very cold season. And that I talk to God that make small the cold, because the stars in the sky are not found they are wear the blanket of clowd, that i fold in my comfort lie.
In the starting lines we find the girl that cold season that was very cold, also a man with guitar on the road, than I(unknown) pray to god that make cold season small, and in last that cold starts are not found in the sky.

 2)  Darkness by Joseph Campbell. in the poem that I(unknown) stop watching star in the small pond (a hole or depression in a land surface having a miry or spongy bottom.), the star make the silver ribbon of light in that small pond. That I(unknown) look and pass on.

3)  Image by Edward Storer, in the poem Forsaken lovers was a movie based on remarkable for lovers of intrigue terror,

 that white moon was burning and chaste (in india we find the full moon in poonam and also that time have Chandra graham that called blood moon ), this moon symbole of some bad things comes, like drought kind of things.

4)  In a Station of the Metro by Ezra Pound, in this two lines I found that in first line it says that demons are lived in the human faces in the crowd, in second line it says about tree that have black branch. So i symbolically found that tree was main metaphor in this two lines.

5)  The Pool by Hilda Doolittle. The whole thing is the symbol of fish that is in the sea , and talk about how fish looks. In second line says I touch you that someone touch the water, but at the end it’s says about fish because I(unknown) need food.

 6) Insouciance by Richard Aldington. Trenches mean excavation or depression in the ground that is generally deeper than it is wide, and narrow compared with its length, in this Trenches solder are come in and go out for fight, and that Trenches was dreary(sunasaan), in that Trenches walk under the stars, and I make for myself little poem , the poem about war time. In last line it says that make poem it include crowd of birds in the poem that birds are white. This was symbol of white flag that describe surrender now no war.

7)  Morning at the Window by T.S.Eliot. one light come faster with the help of window in basement kitchens, and come from edge of the street. I know the damp souls of housemaids, that sprouting despondent at area gates. In this lines I find that the daily routine life but not for housemaids. The basement of the kitchen symbol of Trenches that in the early morning solder find die at the breakfast time.
The brown colours waves of fog  come at my face, but I change my face to another side, thare is someone who cry with dirty skirts, and birds are smiling with aimless smile in the air, like someone die is the symbol. And they are be lost from the level of roofs. In second paragraph symbolise as someone die. In WW

8)  The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams. So much depends upon a red wheel barrow that shiny with rain water, besides the white chickens. I have two points is this poem one is the red wheel barrow there for trap that chickens go there and locked by red barrow. Second is for chickens that drink water from red wheel barrow.

9)  Anecdote of the Jar by Wallace Stevens. I placed a jar in Tennessee, it’s a name that given at the jar, and the jar was round as a upon a hill, it made a slovenly jungle that voice surround hill and jungle too.
The jungle rose sprawled around the jungle but no longer wild, the jar was round as earth and tall as dock in the air.
It symbol of dominance, as the jar was full with gray powder. They not give wildness and birds, like nothing else in tennesse.

10)  I by E.E.Cummings. A leaf falls on loneliness. I find one thing that symbol of autumn poem by john donne, that describe falls of leafs and loneliness of tree that without leafs.

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